
The purpose of this web site is to convey to all of us but in particular to our youths sad impacts of the consumption of Smoke, Alcohol and Drugs. The message is conveyed in a simple but powerful manner.

As a society we have come to accept usage of alcohol as integral part of socializing however, data has shown that consumption of alcohol has dangerous than smoke and alcohol. Smoke and Drugs usually impact an individual however, Alcohol impacts others.

Alcohol consumption among our youths is rising. There are more bars around our university campuses than before. In most of the universities the so called ‘Happy Hour’ starts from Thursday and lasts till Sunday. During sports events, social events and even charitable events alcohol consumption is high. Alcohol consumption among our youths is a cause for alarm and almost all leading newspapers have provided great coverage recently.

We can do something but can it be effective? There is no guaranty. Then what can we do? In my opinion the best tool we have is education and effective messaging. This web site is a simple step in this direction.

We have created a poster that conveys the message in a simple but powerful way. We are also going to promote this message through Tee-shirts, Baseball caps and other items like coffee mugs etc..

We sincerely hope that our youths will understand the message and stop it before it is too late.

Let us all work together to convert SAD To SMILE.

Thanks for visiting the site. Please become a member, order the poster or simply spread the message – SAD = SAD (always).