Why Invest?


There are number of good sites that provide all the information individuals need to inform themselves about issues pertaining to taxation, insurance, mortgage, investment and finance or wealth management. Therefore you might wonder why another site or how this site is different from the many other sites?

  1. The information presented in this site is free from ‘technical’ jargon It’s easy to understand and implement.
  2. The information has been compiled using ‘real’ case scenarios.
  3. Real cases have been used to cover situations faced by the ‘average’ person.

Why Invest?

This question has assumed significant importance in everyone’s life. The objective of this site is to provide answers to this question. Our earning years are decreasing compared to our years of life after earning. Social benefits are not adequate and our retirement income from all sources is also not enough. Therefore we all need to start saving for the future. The information presented in this site shows that we all can save. Investment is not associated with earning only. In today’s changing environment, investment means saving for the future or investing in the future.

The site provides opportunities to interact, get clarification, provide advice, receive information and gain information on complex topics like taxes, insurance, investments and savings for the future. We believe every person can save for the future if there is a desire and discipline.

Site Map (Key)

GASP – Presents information on why to save and how to save.
Taxation – How to manage taxes.
Insurance – Why it is needed, how much, what type and when to buy.
Investments – Provides information on approach and investment vehicles.
Mortgages and Loans – How to manage these 2 important elements.
Ideas – Important concepts pertaining to managing personal wealth.
Illustrations – Presents real cases explaining some basic methods.

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